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Refreshers - the best way to kick off your 2024 marketing strategy

Freshers is just the beginning – come January 2024, students will be ramping up to do it all again. Allow us to introduce you to your next great idea – marketing to students during Refreshers.

A group of young people enjoying Refreshers

What is Refreshers?

Not to be confused with Freshers, Refreshers is the time when students return to campus in January to kick off term 2. To welcome them back in style, Students’ Unions boast a whole host of activities and events. There are Refreshers fairs, club nights, sports and society activities – and a general lively atmosphere. If you’re a Freshers veteran, you might notice a similar atmosphere – just with slightly colder weather, and more familiarity between the students themselves. 

If you know anything about Freshers, you’ll know that it’s the time where students first land on campus. They’re at the start of a whole new academic year (for first-years, a new life experience), with freshly-acquired financial independence, and a whole host of on-campus opportunities to get involved in. 

And Refreshers is, in many ways, a similar experience for students. Occurring when they return from the Christmas break, it’s a time when students are – naturally – feeling refreshed from some time at home.“They’re re-engaging with uni life after a long time off – it’s a really good time as a brand to get on campus and engage this open minded audience”, says Becky Kells – B2B Editor and resident Gen Z expert. 

When is Refreshers? 

As we mentioned, Refreshers kicks off after the Christmas break, at the start of Term 2 – it is always in January. Some campuses will mark it with a defined Refreshers week, or signpost their students to specific events – like Refreshers Fairs or club nights. As an advertiser, you can get involved with Refreshers Fairs directly, meeting students where they are, and matching their high post-Christmas energy. 

On other campuses, Refreshers might not be a defined week, or day – but there will be a guaranteed influx of students returning to campus, creating a sense of excitement and renewal. As Naomi Carndorf – Senior Media Success Manager here at native – says: “You’ve got new students coming in, you’ve got a loan drop, and everyone’s excited”. 

Why is it important? 

Now you know what you’re working with – but why exactly are we so excited about Refreshers? In short – we’re excited about it because students are, and we specialise in mirroring their energy and connecting you to them. But if you want the longer version… 

It’s loan drop time 

If you’ve been through the UK university system yourself, you’ll know that finances work slightly differently for most UK students. According to native research, 60% receive a student loan (the most popular financial product for the student demographic), and rather than getting it monthly, like a salary, it lands in their bank accounts in three lump sums throughout the year. 

One of those loan drops happens in – you guessed it – January. It’s not just that students are back from a break and ready to enjoy themselves. They’re financially boosted, too. “At this time, students have got more disposable income – and they’re looking to spend it”, says Charlie Katirai, Senior Account Manager at native. 

New students are here

The most popular time to start a degree in the UK is still autumn, with September and October coming out on top. But many courses do start in January, ranging from masters and bachelors to foundation and top-up degrees.  There are also international students undertaking semesters abroad, who might only rotate onto campus in the second term. 

For these students, Refreshers is their Freshers – they are in a new environment, receptive to change, and on the hunt for new brands and experiences to fuel their university experience. It’s your chance to make a first impression, and establish yourself as a go-to brand among this second wave of students. 

Excitement is in the air 

Finally, and most importantly of all, Refreshers is a great opportunity to connect with brands because – well – students are excited to be back. Those who are already one term down will feel more confident and in-tune with uni life, and will likely be a little further along in building their habits. But there will still be an appetite for new experiences. 

Not only will students be on the lookout for familiar faces – friends they made in first term, brands they might have sampled, or clubs and societies they tried out – they’ll be ready to try something new. And that something new might just be you. 


Ready to hit refresh on your 2024 marketing strategy? Refreshers might be your first big win of the year – but there are 250 more moments lined up after it. Pick and choose the ones that suit your brand best from our Definitive Student Marketing Calendar.