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What's new? Students' take on health and wellness

There are 2.66 million students currently enrolled at UK universities. The majority are Gen Z – and on average, they’ll go on to earn £10,000 per year than their non-graduate peers. Having inherited spending power and shopping in new categories for the first time, 81% of students are open-minded to trying new brands and products. 

University is when students take health and wellness into their own hands for the first time. They’re at the very start of their health and fitness journeys – so if you’re a brand looking for a time to make a first impression, it’s right about now.

But first, get the top insights from our Gen Z student, Aaron. They include:

  • 42% wear a fitness tracker – and 24% have one on the shopping list.
  • Most students feel healthy, 29% say “very” and 36% say “pretty”.
  • Nearly 2 in 3 take vitamins, with more than half of those taking them daily